Labour CND’s 2023 conference focuses on military spending and austerity

Our online conferfence this year focuses on high military spending in a time of austerity, with panel discussions on the rising costs of militarism and workers security. Join Warren Smith Maritime Union of Australia, Sam Mason PCS Policy Officer, Peter Evans UCU NEC, Economist Mick Burke, and more.

Register in advance here

Wages Not Weapons Conference is followed by our online AGM, 13.30 to 15.00. This is a members only meeting, open to CND members who are members of the Labour Party. Email to register

Labour CND’s 2022 conference

Register now for Labour CND’s not-to-be-missed annual conference. We’ll be debating the way forward for a Labour foreign policy based on peace, people and planet, with:

Richard Burgon MP // Tom Unterrainer CND Chair // Margaret Kimberly Black Alliance for Peace // Katy Clark MSP// Jess Barnard  Young Labour // Stuart Parkinson Scientists for Global Responsibility // Mish Rahman NEC // Sam Mason Labour CND’s climate specialist // with a musical interlude from Labour CND’s own Sam Browse.

Events in Ukraine bring the prospect of nuclear war closer. The AUKUS pact with Australia and the US intensifies a new Cold War with China. The British government is pledged to increase its nuclear weapons stockpile. Energy price hikes have renewed dthe role of nuclear power in the UK’s energy mix.

Now more than ever Labour needs a foreign policy based on peace and climate justice.

Labour CND Conference 2016

Labour CND is pleased to announced our 2016 conference will take in London in January. Full details can be found below:

Labour, Trident and Foreign Policy

Saturday 30th January 2016 – Registration opens 10:00

Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London

Sessions on the day include:

Trade Unions and Trident (Chaired by Maya Goodfellow)
Mark Serwotka – General Secretary PCS
Roger McKenzie – Assistant General Secretary Unison
Philipa Harvey – President NUT

Campaigning on Trident (Chaired by Maya Goodfellow)
Ruth Cadbury MP
Nick Brown MP

Trident and the Labour Party
Clive Lewis MP
Kate Osamor MP
Kate Hudson – CND General Secretary

Foreign Policy
Diane Abbott – Shadow Secretary of State for International Development
Catherine West – Shadow Foreign Office Minister


Due to the costs associated with the conference it is strictly ticket only. Tickets can be purchased through Eventbrite for £3 plus fees or on the door for £5.

The conference will conclude at 17:00 and will be followed by a short Labour CND AGM.